Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wish you could stay

Since this is my second blog post, I decided to do it on someone special.

Sometimes we have those people in our lives that we grow so close to. Those people that you find inseparable. They just seem to grow into you. There's not a day you don't talk. You help each other through the rough and tough. You laugh with each other. Cry together. And spend the best times together. They're so important you that you think if you every got separated, you wouldn't be able to live. You love them so much that they just can't be parted from you, or you won't be whole again. Let me tell you a story. Let me tell you about someone wonderful.

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She's beautiful. She has brown hair and a wonderful smile. She moved up to South Florida not that long ago. I met this wonderful girl in March of 2011. At first I didn't really know who she was. We had talked and we knew who the other person was and that was it. One day, while I was cripple, I was on my crutches going over my bus after school. And I saw this girl in my school parking lot walking to another bus. We had seen each other at the same time. So we walked over to each other and said, "Hey! I didn't know you went to this school!" From then on, we would meet in that same spot every day after school. We would meet in the mornings and in the afternoons. Every time we saw each other we would jump for joy and run towards each other and give the biggest hugs a person could ever give. We grew really close. So she slept over my house. We got in trouble for staying up until 5am, but that's okay! We had sooo much fun. I was recently told last week she was moving. The hardest thing is to have to life with someone you've grown into. You're twin. You're sister. You're other half. You're best friend. I was told this and couldn't stop crying for the next two days. But I guess this is how it goes. Life in South Florida is going to be so empty. I love you Michelle.

[bad quality picture.. sorry about that]

Monday, October 17, 2011

Smile, because it isn't fair.

Okay guys, this is my first blog post!I was writing this down in a notebook, so why not share it?

Life really isn't fair. No one lives the way they want to. Some have more than other. Most times we wish we were the ones who have more. But we have what we have. And I guess that's the way life goes. Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of us and it will always end up perfectly in the end. But if we sit and mourn for the things we don't have, we won't get our happy ending. So even though you're in a bad mood, or sad about something, cheer up! Because being sad, solves nothing. No matter how much you want to eat or cry your life away, don't. Because it will definitely make everything worse. You'll always be in a bad mood, and bad moods don't make anything better, and I know from experience. So even though you don't get everything we hope for, or nothing turns out the way you want it to, just think of that happy ending you'll get if you keep a positive attitude! And most of the times, all it takes is a smile :)